Tension Strings Slap Bass Smooth Bass Bass Drum Snare Open Hihat Closed Hihat Crash Cymbal Brass 1 Brass 2 Claps Tom Hi Funk Lead Funk Guitar Muted Strings (downstroke) Muted Strings (upstroke) ___________________________ Demo Funk by Nova/ACiD fractal@istar.ca This song was sitting on my hard drive for months before I finally got around to finishing it. The main problem is that it's really hard to find good funk samples. If you know where to find any, especially guitars, please email me! I ended up using a bunch of samples from Soul-o-Matic. Anyway, the past few songs I've written are the result of my effort to track every style of music possible. Special thanks to Pinion who gave me the hi funk sample and wrote part of the lead, and to Jerry Seinfeld for inspiring the last few patterns of the song ;) My homepage is now up at http://home.istar.ca/ ~fractal/nova.shtml. It's nothing fancy, but feel free to check it out.